I typically avoid adding public service announcements regarding the blog to the material here at Dance Advantage. However, this is the most efficient way to reach out to those affected. If you are one of the visitors or loyal readers for whom this change has no consequence, please bear with me, I’ll try to be brief.
No, this isn't me. This photo belongs to Lisa Brewster.
I decided to leave Feedburner
If you subscribe to Dance Advantage via RSS (a feed reader/aggregator… no that is not a river-dwelling reptile), chances are you have subscribed to the feeds.feedburner.com/danceadvantage URL. In fact, you may have noticed a change recently that this feed is no longer showing full posts but a summary. This has occurred because one week ago I put in motion Feedburner’s redirect service, a 30-day process that helps me redirect traffic from feedburner to another service (or in this case an original feed). Right now feedburner is still in the redirection phase but (supposedly) very soon you will see only an option to switch to the feed URL: https://danceadvantage.net/feed/rss
When you see this, you are certainly welcome to make that switch. The unfortunate bit, is that the above is not (in my view) the ideal feed to follow as it does not show the full post. Therefore, my recommendation would be to resubscribe using the URL: https://danceadvantage.net/feed/ -or- https://danceadvantage.net/feed/rss2/
You can do this anytime. In fact, it’s probably best to do it now while you are thinking about it! 🙂 Just click on one of the links above to let your browser do its thing. Or copy, paste, and add one of those URLs to your feed reader subscriptions.
I know that it is an inconvenience and that some of you may not make the jump at all. That’s okay! An engaged and interested audience is better than a big audience in my humble opinion. Please note that if you subscribe to the blog via e-mail, there is no change for you at all.
Why did I do it?
Some of you will be curious but I won’t bore you with details. I have no major issue with Feedburner, it was simply a matter of having more control over what is mine. There is not much out there that is a match for Feedburner as far as keeping track of who and how many are reading one’s blog feed, and that is why people use it. However, the third-party service is a bit like sending the mailman to deliver the milk. I found I was wasting my own time whenever Feedburner did not deliver my feed as anticipated and in the end, my time is more precious than the analytics. So, while there will be an adjustment period, I am confident that I will survive without it and feel good about delivering the milk on my own schedule.
Nichelle Suzanne is a writer specializing in dance and online content. She is also a dance instructor with over 20 years experience teaching in dance studios, community programs, and colleges. She began Dance Advantage in 2008, equipped with a passion for movement education and an intuitive sense that a blog could bring dancers together. As a Houston-based dance writer, Nichelle covers dance performance for Dance Source Houston, Arts+Culture Texas, and other publications. She is a leader in social media within the dance community and has presented on blogging for dance organizations, including Dance/USA. Nichelle provides web consulting and writing services for dancers, dance schools and studios, and those beyond the dance world. Read Nichelle’s posts.