I want to briefly thank all who expressed their concern for myself and my family during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike which hit our area the Saturday before last. We were without power since that time until Monday and my internet service is now back up. We spent over a week in Austin with family and are trying to readjust and reclaim some normalcy. The Houston area is facing a long recovery and some are still without power. We were truly fortunate to not have had damage to our home and to be able to return to life as it was. Many have lost their homes and businesses due to the storm and my thoughts are with these folks as they attempt to put their lives back together. I hope you will keep them in your thoughts and prayers as well. It has been encouraging to watch neighbors helping neighbors in the wake of uncertainty and loss.
I am sorry for the lack of posts during our time as evacuees. I am playing catch-up and will resume posting as soon as possible. Thanks for your continued readership and, if you are new to the blog, be sure to look back at previous posts you may have missed. The category links make it easy to find topics of particular interest to you. They can be found in the right-hand column under Quick Topics. Also, try the keywords in the Tags section further down the page.
Nichelle Suzanne is a writer specializing in dance and online content. She is also a dance instructor with over 20 years experience teaching in dance studios, community programs, and colleges. She began Dance Advantage in 2008, equipped with a passion for movement education and an intuitive sense that a blog could bring dancers together. As a Houston-based dance writer, Nichelle covers dance performance for Dance Source Houston, Arts+Culture Texas, and other publications. She is a leader in social media within the dance community and has presented on blogging for dance organizations, including Dance/USA. Nichelle provides web consulting and writing services for dancers, dance schools and studios, and those beyond the dance world. Read Nichelle’s posts.