I’d like to introduce one of our new Dance Advantage sponsors:
If you’ve been following Dance Advantage for more than a month, you may remember KineticFlix from our November Giving Thanks Giveaway.
About KineticFlix
KineticFlix.com rents the largest selection of instructional and performance dance DVDs in the world. This small company is owned and operated by two women.
Linda is a dance and Pilates instructor at the University of Montana. It was Linda’s idea and vision to develop a specialty DVD rental business, knowing that it would be a valuable resource for the dance community. She was dancing for a local, modern dance company when she met Lois, who was involved with the dance company’s board of directors. When Linda proposed her idea to her, Lois was taking a break from a long career in the software development industry. The two partners spent about six months writing a business plan and doing research, and DancingFlix was born in 2006.
“When we began as DancingFlix several years ago,” says Linda “our hope was to have the company take off enough to pay off our small business start up loan and then be able to offer dancers and choreographers scholarships to keep doing what they love.” In 2007, when a fellow Pilates instructor decided to close shop on her own specialty DVD rental business, DancingFlix leapt at the opportunity to purchase her fitness inventory.
With the expansion, DancingFlix became KineticFlix. “More than half of our business is fitness DVD rentals.” Linda reflects, “Our hearts are still a bit more on the dance side, though.”
Thousands of dance and fitness DVDs

The KineticFlix inventory boasts over 2900 individual DVD titles. “However, there are at least nine new titles sitting on the desk,” Lois observes. “Linda will be incorporating these over the next few days, and that’s pretty common. It’s a consistently expanding collection.”
“Actually, I have about 35 new titles waiting to add when I find the time,” Linda points out. “I usually get around to the new inventory on Fridays and Saturdays but try to add about 7 new titles each week.”
What are their favorite DVDs? “I love all the ballet and modern dance performance titles,” says Linda, “and Lois gravitates toward the Yoga and Tai Chi.”
On Being a Small Business
When asked about the biggest challenge they’ve faced in developing their service, Linda responds. “Our biggest challenge has always been that we both have other jobs and I have a family (a daughter, 13 and a son, 15). We are just beginning to advertise and get word of our service out to the dance and fitness communities. Since we are a very small business it is impossible for us to consider ads in the big magazines that charge thousands of dollars. We are trying to get creative with giveaways and discount postcards at conferences.”
What keeps these ladies motivated is the positive feedback they receive from customers.
An email they received from a customer a year ago is one example that, Linda says, “made it worth every moment.” In the email, a mother takes a moment to thank Linda and Lois for their rental service.
“My 15 year old daughter, Leah, is aspiring to be a professional dancer. We started renting your dance dvd’s this last year for her so she could learn more about all the different forms of dance and the many different technical styles that are out there in today’s professional arena.
We’re two hours from any city with a professional ballet company, so your DVD’s make it possible to see performances we’d never see otherwise. Also, as you well know, dance DVD’s are expensive, and the average individual can’t afford to buy the wide selection that your company makes available to your customers. As for me, any spare money I have currently goes to pointe shoes, leotards, or dance lessons so buying a library of dance DVD’s is not an option.
Your wide selection of DVD’s have helped her immensely. The Finis Jhung and Deborah Vogel series have provided her with a lot of extra tips on technique and increasing core strength and flexibility and the partnering dvd’s have been a real boon, as there are no trained male dancers she can practice with locally. She’s also learned a lot about dance mime from watching the Russian ballets and her musicality and artistry have really blossomed this last year.”
She goes on to detail her daughter’s positive experiences at the Joffrey (Magnus) Midwest Summer Dance Intensive and feels strongly that the KineticFlix service “gave her [daughter] the depth of personality and skills that [instructors] wanted to see.”
“Okay, the daughter gets credit for working so hard,” Linda exclaims, “but KineticFlix will gladly take a little credit!”
How does KineticFlix work?
KineticFlix.com offers three unlimited DVD, monthly subscription packages. You can choose to receive one, two, or three DVDs at a time. Once you’ve signed up, you simply browse and add titles to your queue. Your DVDs will arrive at your door. Keep them as long as you like, then return them in the envelope provided. Do this as often as you like during the month. There are no late fees. You never pay for shipping and can cancel anytime.
Dance Advantage will be taking advantage of the KineticFlix service to bring you reviews of DVD titles right here on the site. Stay tuned for the results of this exciting partnership! We think it will be a great way for you to get an opinion and then try before you buy for your library or studio.
Need a holiday gift you know your dancer will love?
Contact KineticFlix by phone (406-493-6778) or email (info@KineticFlix.com) and the ladies will set you up with a gift certificate. Choose any set amount ($25, $50, $100), or a subscription for any number of months. They can then send out a personalized gift certificate or email you a code that can be used online.
Please join me in thanking KineticFlix for supporting Dance Advantage. Our sponsors help keep free content flowing at this site.
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THANK YOU for your readership and support!
Nichelle Suzanne is a writer specializing in dance and online content. She is also a dance instructor with over 20 years experience teaching in dance studios, community programs, and colleges. She began Dance Advantage in 2008, equipped with a passion for movement education and an intuitive sense that a blog could bring dancers together. As a Houston-based dance writer, Nichelle covers dance performance for Dance Source Houston, Arts+Culture Texas, and other publications. She is a leader in social media within the dance community and has presented on blogging for dance organizations, including Dance/USA. Nichelle provides web consulting and writing services for dancers, dance schools and studios, and those beyond the dance world. Read Nichelle’s posts.