In the midst of tough competition and authentic episodes of teenage drama, Lynn Swanson’s characters learn and demonstrate ways to get along and work together. This timeless “young adult” novel will appeal to both non-dancers and dancers alike.
young dancers
Say “No” To Boring Ballet With This DVD Series
“The Children’s Hour of Power” 3-DVD series, a fun and innovative approach to ballet instruction that results in more versatile, responsible dancers and happier teachers.
Helping Your Young Students Through Tragedy
Maria’s little dancers have experienced their share of tragedy lately. She shares her experiences and how she helped her young ones cope, plus some resources to help you help your students if or when tragedy strikes.
“And Remember To Smile!”
Do you now remind your students to smile as they enter their dance examinations or auditions? Angeline’s article challenges the practice of telling dance students to smile en route to an exam, noting that it may hinder instead of help many students. We ask you, what are some alternatives?
Homemade Hot/Cold Compress For Dancers
Lauren Warnecke gets crafty with a fun gift idea for dancers, teachers, studio owners, and anyone with aches, pains, or minor swelling. Easy to make! Photos and instructions in this tutorial.
How’s Your Pitch? Using The Power of Your Voice
Tone of voice and the way you use your voice when you teach is so important! If you had no props or music could you still teach a class? Here are four ways Maria uses her voice with her preschool-aged students and when to incorporate each one.