Bloggers couldn’t resist sharing Why Dance Matters to them! Even though the event is over, the roundup continues with 10 more posts on the subject. Share what you thought of this year’s virtual event and find out how to get involved in the #whydancematters project!
Bloggers Share Why Dance Matters
Welcome back to the circle! I hope you’re having fun with Why Dance Matters this week. It’s been a blast of inspiration to see the many ways you express why dance matters to you, your community, your kids, your students, your world! If you still don’t know what it’s all about, head over to […]
Not Waiting To Exhale
Dance is life-giving and sustaining. Something as involuntary and necessary as breath. This is Why Dance Matters to me.
Why Dance Matters Reloaded
We’re looking for a few good posts about Why Dance Matters to you! We’re also looking for your participation in the RELOADED Why Dance Matters event. And, we’re looking for those who want to help an expanded project take shape. Are you down? Get the details in this post.
Why Dance Matters to YOU
Throughout the Why Dance Matters event, fabulous submissions were received from people who wanted to share why dance matters to them. Below, I believe I’ve gathered most of the posts. However, if yours is not listed please feel free to add a link in the comments. As for the hundreds of tweets posted via the #whydancematters hashtag on Twitter, I can only say I am in absolute AWE of what can be said in 140 characters! Bravo.
At The Heart Of The Matter: Our 300th Post!
I don’t have clear memories of a time in my life when dance was not a presence. And yet, there have been many occasions when I might have walked away from it altogether, taking some other path. So here I am digging deep into first encounters to find the reasons why I never can or could.