Tips for College Part I dealt with what to expect in technique classes and performance rehearsals, as well as some tips for success in these areas. In continuation of the series, I will highlight two aspects of dance in higher education with which many incoming students have little experience. Improvisation Improvisation may be an entirely […]
A Dancer’s Guide: Tips for College (Part I)
If you are planning on majoring, minoring, or even just participating in a university dance department in the next year, you are probably nervous and excited about beginning your adventure in higher learning. Having been involved in two different liberal arts programs, coming out the other side with a dance degree in hand, and going […]
Finding the Right Dance Studio/Teacher – Setting Goals To Determine What’s Right For You
Are you new to dance? Looking to take your dancing to the next level? It’s important to find the studio, school, or teacher that’s right for you. As the photo title (right) suggests, behind our goals are our dreams. A dream is an idea and a goal is a destination. What comes between these two […]