Ashley Deranhas, a senior dance major at Western Michigan University, finds solace from the rush of every day life in photography. Stumbling into dance photography almost by accident, she quickly realized her love for shape and natural sense of timing translated incredibly well into images. Two of her photographs are featured for this month’s Sunday Snapshot.
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Sunday Snapshot: Juliet and her Romeo
How sports photographer, Michael Seaman, fell in love with capturing ballet. Featured photo: Dress rehearsal of Boston Ballet’s Romeo and Juliet. Larissa Ponomarenko and Nelson Madrigal, Feb 2008.
Sunday Snapshot: Taking Flight
“Dance and the arts are not anything new to me, but dance photography has definitely widened my horizons especially in the area of traditional/ethnic dance. I live in such a wonderfully cultural diverse region so am fortunate enough to be able to attend many events and festivals throughout the year.”