Are you a teen or adult wanting to start dance classes? Find out if some physical preparation is needed before you enroll in your first dance lesson.
starting ballet as an adult
Ten Tips for Adult Newbies Who Aren’t New to Ballet
Adult ballet dancers, newbies or not, enter a whole new world when they begin taking classes. There’s a lot more to learn than movements. Here are 10 takeaways from an adult beginner who has been where you are.
Adult Ballet Beginners on Schedules, Attire, and Blogging
Two adult beginners, one male and one female, talk about fitting ballet into their schedules, what surprised them about dance, why they like to be challenged, and what blogging does for their dancing. (Part 2 of 2)
Storytime With Two Adult Ballet Beginners
Dave of, The Adult Beginner, and I had fun after the New Year chatting about their close encounters of the ballet kind. They weave an entertaining story and if you are a teacher working with adult beginners, I think you’ll find it splendidly insightful, too. (Part 1 of 2)