Cross-training for strength and endurance is also a good idea for any dancer. In particular, dancers who aren’t training heavily, keeping the heart rate up or working up a sweat for 20-minutes or longer during class or rehearsal multiple times per week, may need to add cross-training activities to their schedule.
Preventing and Soothing Aches, Pains, & Muscle Strains
Nancy Welker has been kind enough make another guest appearance on Dance Advantage to answer some frequently asked questions about preventing and soothing muscle soreness following a dance class or workout.
Mustering their Motivation: Strategies for Engaging and Inspiring Students
It can be hard to want to pour more of yourself into inspiring lackluster learners. But, as a teacher, you feel compelled to instill a passion for dance. So, how can you motivate students in a way that won’t deplete your energy reserves?