Balancing any career with motherhood has its challenges but mother/dancers certainly face some unique concerns and questions. To produce a picture of what it is like for mothers who are also professional dancers, I spoke with two dancing moms, one a ballet dancer, one a contemporary dance artist and choreographer. In this first installment, we discuss pregnancy and what it is like to dance and perform while expecting.
Baby on Board — Teaching While Pregnant
“How will pregnancy affect my dancing and teaching?” What the internet, and books… lots and lots of books), others (like my doctor), and my experiences taught me.
Pregnancy and Parenthood in Dance
As many of you know, I am a full-time mom in addition to a dancer, teacher, and blogger. Being a relatively new mom, I am just learning and getting started in the balancing act between these two three four worlds. Knowing that there are other dancing mamas out there, I wanted to share a research […]