Nine dance bloggers share over 40 posts on a variety of subjects. Though very different, what these articles have in common is their position among the ‘top 5’, as chosen by the bloggers themselves.
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Best Dance Gift EVER!
Dance bloggers share the best dance gift they’ve received or would like to receive in this month’s Circle Time. What do you consider the best dance gift ever? Join the conversation!
Writers Offer Dance Wardrobe Wisdom
Fellow bloggers share their “Wardrobe Wisdom” with posts on tutu-wearing teachers, classwear for adult dancers, dress code, advice for male dancers, and more. Plus, share your thoughts or links in our comments!
What Makes A Teacher Great?
Great dance teachers love dance, honor their art, respect you enough to expect of you, don’t sacrifice quality for anything, encourage you, inspire you… and a lot more. See what our friends and fellow bloggers have to say about great teachers in our sharing circle and add your own ideas!
Please, Join The Circle!
Join us each month to share your tips, ideas, and opinions on a featured dance topic that’s fun and informative. We’ve got something lined up for September through March. Bloggers submit a post. Non-bloggers leave a comment. Participate whenever you want!