Ashley Deranhas, a senior dance major at Western Michigan University, finds solace from the rush of every day life in photography. Stumbling into dance photography almost by accident, she quickly realized her love for shape and natural sense of timing translated incredibly well into images. Two of her photographs are featured for this month’s Sunday Snapshot.
Sunday Snapshot: Foot Phrase
Foot Phrase is a section in the ballet A Pulse Stolen by Ted Seymour (see more in an interview and clips from A Pulse Stolen on YouTube), which had its world premiere on May 21, 2010. This section of the ballet is done in total darkness except for three sets of illuminated, moving feet.
Sunday Snapshot: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Dance studios are alive right now a dance recital costumes are rolling in. Students finalize and perfect their performance numbers, parents flurry in and out of offices, and teachers and studio owners hope for the best while preparing for the worst… just in case! The vibrant color of this sweet memory reminds me that the time is at hand for these special events.
Sunday Snapshot: Role Model
I am attracted to the rich color of this photograph as well as the familiarity of this student-teacher moment. It also brought to mind some of my own childhood dance performances. Less formal affairs than the elaborate showcases which are the norm at dance studios across the country, these were often held in small or unique spaces. Seeing this photo reminded me that as a child, what mattered to me was not the stage, costume, or bright lights.