As a teacher and a dancer, I like to think I’ve always brought to my work an awareness and sensitivity of the challenges boys and men face in the dance world. The moment I became a mom to a young son, however, I became more keenly aware of the many “rules” that surround both boyhood and the parenting of boys, especially when it comes to dance. This and more are explored in the recently completed video series by DanceLifeTV called Male Voices which puts a spotlight on some of the young male dancers at the Rhee Gold school.
my son can dance
Preparing For An Intensive Summer Program
My son had some trouble with dehydration the first week. We live in California, and I didn’t really think that would be a problem since we were coming from a dry, hot climate. However, it was so hot and humid in New York that he sweated more than usual and didn’t drink enough. The kids need to have electrolyte packets and other sports drinks along with water to keep them hydrated.
Duncan Cooper Offers Advice at “My Son Can Dance”
My Son Can Dance author, Nina Amir, interviews Duncan Cooper.