It’s a challenge to choreograph for teen dancers with limited experience and insecurities. Try this approach to create a dance routine you can all be proud of.
motivating dancers
5 Ways To Get Out Of Your Dance Teaching Rut
Even teaching dance can get stale when you’ve been doing it for a while. Try these tips and tactics to renew your passion, bring sparkle back to your teaching, and still keep the structure of a good dance class. Your dance students will thank you!
Captivate Your Recreational Dancers in 5 Steps
Dance is a hobby for many students and they come for all sorts of reasons. If enrollment, attendance, and motivation are a problem in your recreational classes, guest, Jamie Benson offers some solutions.
Get Your Students to Eat Their “Vegetables” and Like It
What motivates students? Why don’t they do what they know is good for them? How can teachers create a positive atmosphere that helps students become self-motivated?