Sometimes the answers are simple. Sometimes there are simply better questions and your answers may lead to a career in dance, or not.
late beginners
Adult Ballet Beginners on Schedules, Attire, and Blogging
Two adult beginners, one male and one female, talk about fitting ballet into their schedules, what surprised them about dance, why they like to be challenged, and what blogging does for their dancing. (Part 2 of 2)
Storytime With Two Adult Ballet Beginners
Dave of, The Adult Beginner, and I had fun after the New Year chatting about their close encounters of the ballet kind. They weave an entertaining story and if you are a teacher working with adult beginners, I think you’ll find it splendidly insightful, too. (Part 1 of 2)
Two Teenaged Students Blogging About Ballet
“I realized that there were many girls that were my age that had just recently started ballet, and had to take class with a whole room full of girls who could do over-splits, triple pirouettes, and could lift their legs to their ears. I began looking at ballet blogs, and reading ballet books, but I could never find exactly what I was looking for. I felt like I needed 10 years of ballet training within a couple of weeks. Things like class etiquette, recital how-tos, and special stretches to boost my extension. I could only imagine that there were more girls like me looking for the same things.”
“Late Beginner” Blues And How To Get Beyond Them
Possibly the worst thing dancers can do when there is a strong desire to improve is make negative comparisons of themselves to other dancers. Sometimes comparisons help us create a realistic picture and provide awareness of where we are and where we still have to go. However, comparisons must stop there.
Teacher’s Top Three: Music for Adult Ballet
“Finding good ballet class music is so difficult. I am hard to please, and I want the music I choose to inspire my students, not just provide accompaniment. To that end, I have gone through a lot of CDs searching for ones that have good length, sound and quality. I use these CDs for my intermediate adult ballet class.”