It is very important to be budget conscious but also expectation conscious as well when it comes to dance recitals and performances. With everyone on the same page, performance time can be a magnificent time to learn, develop, explore and ultimately have fun!
Pointe Readiness and What To Expect
Every ballet dancer wants to dance en pointe. But not every ballet dancer should. How will your teacher decide if you are ready? Why might she decide you are not? And what can you expect from a pointe class?
The Professional Dancer’s Survival Kit
Do you have an interest in taking your dancing to the professional level? Here are some inside tips on what you need to survive in your career as a professional dancer.
Mustering their Motivation: Strategies for Engaging and Inspiring Students
It can be hard to want to pour more of yourself into inspiring lackluster learners. But, as a teacher, you feel compelled to instill a passion for dance. So, how can you motivate students in a way that won’t deplete your energy reserves?