As a college professor I work with college students every day. I see the qualities that successful students have, and I see the qualities that the less successful students lack. I believe that the dance education that my daughters received helped to reinforce many of the important qualities that made them successful in college and will help them succeed in their lives.
Listening to Dance — An Exercise in Viewing Art
I’ve used this exercise with students before (usually in preparation for moving to the chosen selection). What I’ve noticed is that when listening to music, the students easily observe and express their reaction based upon what they’ve heard coming through the speakers. With very little prompting, they come up with vivid ideas, even without the benefit of lyrics as clues to the song’s intention.
Parents, Which Type of Helicopter Are You?
Blogger, Vicki Nelson recently did a three-part series about “Helicopter Parents.” As I read the articles, the dreaded term “stage mom” came to mind. Parents of university-bound students are not the only ones who “hover.”
Keeping Rhythm Fascinatin’ — How to Make Tap Dance Come Alive
It is a very short list of tap teachers that teach tap in way that embeds it in the heart and soul and fosters a love for the art form at a profound level. Ballet teachers like that? Much easier to come by. Lyrical? Contemporary? Jazz? They’re a dime a dozen these days – teaching classes that are emotionally charged and full of gripping content that draws those elusive adolescents in and keeps their attention.
Back to School — Props and Classroom Aids
Dance classes (and the experience of your students) can be enhanced with the use of props. This article lists products, links, and tips for various classroom aids, plus links and suggestions for homemade props.
10 Reasons Teachers Should Continue their Education
It seems we find it hard to justify spending money or attention on our own development, though we would encourage it for our students. My top ten list of reasons you would want to seriously consider some continuing ed for yourself this year.