Tap dance is two things: sound and movement. Here we focus on the sound of tap dance. Tap dance is tied more closely to music than most of us realize.
Less Email, More Dancing: 4 Ways to Tame Your Inbox
Manage your dance studio inbox with time-saving tips that strengthen your communication with parents and streamline your business, leaving more time for the things you love (like dancing and teaching).
5 Ideas That Will Make You Feel Like Less Of A Teaching Robot
Dance teachers teach a lot of classes to earn a living. Repetition makes it easier to organize but harder to keep things fresh. Maria has adapted these 5 ideas to stop feeling like a robot in her preschool dance classes. Try them for yourself to beat burnout and enjoy your classes again.
For Making Dancers Beneficial To The Public
A recent TEDxBrussels Talk by John Bohannon reminds us of the usefulness of movement to express complex concepts or explore and understand scientific ideas while making a satirical statement about the state of the arts in the United States. Watch and learn more about the presentation and its creators.
Teaching Tap Improvisation: Exercises for Beginners
Begin with a very structured 4/4 song that does not have any strange segues or extra measures. Have all students beat their hands on their legs, clap or snap to the beat. Continue their time keeping, but have them now count out loud – “1..2..3..4”. Be sure you do not have them count “5..6..7..8”. This is a cardinal sin in the music world, as you’ll find out if you dance with live musicians! Explain to your students that each set of four counts is a measure, or a bar. I often use this with my elementary students who are learning addition and/or multiplication.
5 Must-Dos Before You Apply For A Creative Graduate Program
There are many graduate programs that take traditional art areas and tailor them to specific career goals and interests. For instance, there are programs in Dance Education, Dance Performance, Acting, Directing, Television Studio Management, Music Production and Arts Administration. Think creatively when deciding what to get your Master’s degree in. There are endless creative possibilities waiting for you!