Buy Organic, Recycled, and Eco-Friendly Products. From the snacks you offer, to the paper towels you use, to the cleaning products you put on your floors, there are plenty of options for going green. There are six more, really excellent (and really easy), suggestions for going green in 12 Steps To A More Eco-Friendly Dance Studio
dance studio
S.T.E.P. Your Way To Social Media Success
Social media is about making connections. One of the things we do with our dance studio fan page is to post about local theatre productions and community events. Why? Because we know that the hours of dance lessons that our young dancers have has a potential impact on local theater. We want to spread goodwill to our sister arts organizations. See yourself as part of the thread woven between your arts community.
America’s Best Dance Studio Contest 2010
America’s Best Dance Studio Contest 2010 wants to know what makes your dance studio unique, what makes it different from the other dance studios in your area, and from other dance studios across the country. You will have the opportunity to submit testimonials, videos, and photos highlighting all of the wonderful things about your dance studio – your teachers, your students, the classes you offer, your involvement in charities, non-profit organizations, and even dance competitions! Here’s a chance to rally the community and make some noise in support of your dance studio.
Confessions of a Busy Dance Mom
I’m probably a great example of some of the moms at your studio I suppose, who can barely find the time to get the lunches packed and get to school on time. Let alone read the many papers and emails and notices that come home on a regular basis. Here’s just a few reasons why:
Streamlining Competition Registration with
So, with a sneaking suspicion that you might be interested in something that could help streamline the process, and because I see a lot of potential in this this newly developed site, I chatted recently with Bret Robertson. His design company, Honu Studios, is responsible for bringing DanceSignUp to life.
Things To Consider When Your Child Doesn’t Listen to the Dance Teacher
Appropriate class material is essential for engaging young dancers. Consider the structure and style of your child’s dance class and its teacher before deciding that dance isn’t right for your preschooler.