It’s finally here: the 411 on the nutrition behind the numbers. Decipher all those percentages and categories on nutrition labels, complete with advice from the pros.
dance nutrition
10 Healthy Snacks for the Busy Dancer
A dancer can’t get much busier than during Spring performance time. Health and nutrition coach, Kathi Martuza shares a few of her favorite healthy and portable snacks. Easy to prep and delicious too!
Nutrition On The Move: Chill Your Sugar Cravings
Chill your sugar cravings with natural sweeteners. This DIY sorbet recipe will hit the spot after an intense class or on a hot day.
Have Your Barre and Eat It Too!
With an aim to raise the barre on nutrition and encourage healthy eating habits in the dance world and beyond, ballet dancers, Julia Erickson and Aaron Ingley created Barre, a real food bar made with natural ingredients. In this interview, Julia and Aaron share their story, their mission, and their own tips and ideas for eating healthfully on a dancer’s schedule with Dance Advantage readers.