Spiral rolls are a smooth and safe way to get to the floor in contemporary dance technique. In our post, this roll to the floor is broken down with a list of fundamentals to practice and common mistakes to avoid.
dance basics
Contemporary Dance Technique: The Spinal Roll-Down
Though it’s a fundamental part of most contemporary dance warm-ups, the basic roll-down of the spine doesn’t get a ton of attention in the how-to department. We address the common mistakes dancers make and how to fix them.
What You Can Do To Improve Tendu (and why it is crucial)
Tendu may take second after plié in your dance class warmups but don’t underestimate its importance to pretty much every bit of dance technique. Here are some tips on how to use your working and standing leg and your foot during battement tendu.
All In The Family: Battement
Battements, as they are practiced at the barre and in centre, are the foundation of many other movements in ballet (jumps and travelling steps such as assemblé, tour jeté, grand jeté, and so many more) and in other dance forms. It is necessary to have a solid grasp on the simplest forms in order to perform the others correctly.
En Dehors, Out the Door
En dehors and en dedans! Frequently misspelled and endlessly confused, let’s go over these dance directions! A bird’s eye view helps to illustrate the sometimes puzzling terminology.
Defining and Dissecting a Piqué Turn
What is a Piqué Turn? Generally when a dancer is asked to perform a piqué turn in class, he/she understands that it is likely they are being asked to perform a traveling turn that begins with a step onto a straight leg, as demonstrated at the start of this combination (note: this video is an […]