Ballroom dance throws you into the deep end of partnering and there is something so satisfying about making it all work. These three key elements are what make a partnership successful.
How To Work Well With Others
When dancers work well together it’s a beautiful thing. Here are four (or more) ways to ensure effective collaboration in choreography, even when a ballet choreographer and a modern-based dance theatre company come together for a “zombie ballet.”
Better Group Communication: Dancers Have It All
Passionate people can work together even when they don’t see eye to eye. Dean of Academics at The Boston Conservatory, Dr. Patricia Hoy, shares how ensemble dancers hold the keys to better communication; nurturing the individual artist while providing extraordinary group results with the tension-release-movement principle.
Developing Performance, Expression & Communication Skills in Ballet
As she breaks down performance into its elements, Angeline offers tips and video examples that will help you breathe life into your ballet dancing whether for exams or the stage.
One With The Music: Accompanying Dancers Part One
The very first ballet class I played for was a big surprise, because I had no idea what to expect or what would be expected of me by either the teacher or the dancers. I walked into the studio and the first person I saw was the teacher (who seemed to me to be very old), holding a lit cigarette in one hand and a cane in the other!