A young dancer dreams of attending Juilliard but has concerns about money and training. Should she continue taking free classes? And how important are the basics? See what I have to say in this Q&A Saturday installment.
college dance
Connecting the Dots from Dance Major to Dancemaker
The path from the insular world of college dance to a real career in dance and dancemaking is rarely a straight line. Lauren illustrates this beautifully with a peek into her own journey, while also providing the soon-to-be or recent graduate with some solid (and remarkably clear-cut) advice.
Talking About College Dance With K-12 Students
Not all dancers become professionals. However, the arts produce creative thinkers, able to connect pathways that standard students may not initially consider and dancers tend to be successful in many other aspects of education and life. So, starting as early as Kindergarten, dance can be used as a gateway to discuss college with students. Here’s how one educator begins the conversation at different ages and includes families in the dialogue.
The Surprising Connection Between Physics and Ballet
Now widely accepted and taught in university dance programs, at first Kenneth Laws’ writings connecting physics and the art of dance were accused of “reducing ballet to a science.” Learn more about Laws, his late start in dance, and his books in this introductory post on his pioneering work in the dance field.
Sunday Snapshot: Paquita From The Wings
Today’s photo was taken during a performance of Paquita by the Alma College Dance Company in Alma, MI. The beautiful young lady performing the principal role in this photograph is a freshman from Jackson, MI named Lindsay. Photographer, Simone Boos is a native of Indianapolis, IN who currently attends Alma College in Michigan where she is pursuing dual degrees in dance and English. After discovering a love for photography in high school, she launched Simone Boos Photography in January of 2009. Simone now specializes in portraiture of all kinds, and continues to photograph dance at both the amateur and professional level.
4 Tips for Transitioning from Competitive to Recreational Dance in College
Kathryn, once a competitive high school dancer, tells about her choice to pursue something else in college. She gives four tips for successfully making the transition from your dance-intensive high school years to pursuing dance recreationally while attending college.