We love sharing great articles from around the web. Here are eight great ones for dance students in all stages of their development.
Teaching Dance Freelance – Do You Have An Umbrella?
Maria shares how she’s made her way as a freelance dance teacher in New York City, providing tips for how to do the same. Her story encourages you to find your niche and build an umbrella, or brand, to create a place and set of guidelines you consider “home”.
What Makes a Dance Career “Alternative”?
Alissa, Dance Advantage intern and correspondent, explores the definition of “alternative” careers in dance and speaks with two students combining their passions in pursuit of such a path. The first is Chelsie, a Dance/Movement Therapy student at Columbia College and Claire, a member of The University of Utah’s Screendance Certificate Program.
New Dawn, New Day, New Things Coming Your Way
Televised arts programming received a blow when Time Warner Cable dropped Ovation. Not cool. What is cool? The new quarter of content 4dancers and Dance Advantage have coming your way!
What a Candy Cane Can Teach About The Virtues of a Dancer
Young ballet dancers gain integral qualities that lead to success, not only in dance, but in life. Guest and School of the Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Director, Melanie Doskocil describes for readers two occasions when it was clear her students had discovered important life lessons – ones that will carry them far toward a successful future.
DanceStage.com Creator, Colby’s Long And Winding Road
His path in dance and (I hope he won’t mind my saying) in life has been somewhat indirect. While it’s awesome to see a driven and focused career materialize, the truth is, most dancers I know have traveled a long and winding road. So, I thought it would be interesting to represent that and talk with Colby on the blog.