How sports photographer, Michael Seaman, fell in love with capturing ballet. Featured photo: Dress rehearsal of Boston Ballet’s Romeo and Juliet. Larissa Ponomarenko and Nelson Madrigal, Feb 2008.
ballet photography
Sunday Snapshot: Shadow Eclipse
His interest in capturing dance was borne out of an ongoing personal project to explore the theme of movement in his photography. “Since we naturally move around in our clothes,” Paul explains, “I am interested to capture an aspect of movement in my work, mainly from a fashion point of view. The natural extension of that was to incorporate dance
Sunday Snapshot: Ballet Zaida
According to Oliver Endahl, the photographer, the purpose of the Ballet Zaida photography project is to “educate and expose the public to ballet, as well as inspire the world through pictures.” A former ballet dancer himself, his work is definitely inspiring as well as inspired, featuring incredibly talented dancers in stunning locations. And there is just gallery after gallery of images – a visual feast.