Four useful techniques for cleaning choreography. Try them in your next dance rehearsal to get your students ready for performance or competition.
Developing Performance, Expression & Communication Skills in Ballet
As she breaks down performance into its elements, Angeline offers tips and video examples that will help you breathe life into your ballet dancing whether for exams or the stage.
“And Remember To Smile!”
Do you now remind your students to smile as they enter their dance examinations or auditions? Angeline’s article challenges the practice of telling dance students to smile en route to an exam, noting that it may hinder instead of help many students. We ask you, what are some alternatives?
The Art and Expectations of Performance Time
It is very important to be budget conscious but also expectation conscious as well when it comes to dance recitals and performances. With everyone on the same page, performance time can be a magnificent time to learn, develop, explore and ultimately have fun!
Musicality In Dance: What Is It? Can It Be Taught?
Musical creativity (or musical artistry) is the ability to connect with accompanying music, interpret it, or phrase and add movement dynamics that relate to music even in the absence of accompaniment, in a way that is unique or interesting. Musicality in dance then might be considered a measure or degree to which a dancer is receptive and creative in his translation or rendering of music through movement.
How to Develop Musical Awareness in Dance Students
There are many inventive ways that dance teachers can lay a foundation for musicality and a competency in musical theory within their classes. The suggestions (or perhaps more accurately, principles) below are by no means a complete guide to accomplishing the task but, hopefully they’ll prime the pump of your own creativity.