Adult ballet dancers, newbies or not, enter a whole new world when they begin taking classes. There’s a lot more to learn than movements. Here are 10 takeaways from an adult beginner who has been where you are.
adult beginner in ballet
Adult Ballet’s Dark Side
Every class has one… or two. That student that gets on your nerves or ruffles your feathers. Teachers of adult dancers are no exception and when certain students cause stress or strain in the classroom environment, a teacher just needs to vent a little. If you are a teacher, you will recognize some of the “personalities” our anonymous author presents. If you are a student, well, we hope you don’t resemble these students.
Storytime With Two Adult Ballet Beginners
Dave of, The Adult Beginner, and I had fun after the New Year chatting about their close encounters of the ballet kind. They weave an entertaining story and if you are a teacher working with adult beginners, I think you’ll find it splendidly insightful, too. (Part 1 of 2)