1. You’d rather be a tree than not be in the show…
!["IMG_1781" by Bo Gordy-Stith. Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic. [Changes to image: filter and text added]](https://www.danceadvantage.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Tree-Ballet-5.png)
Bo Gordy-Stith. Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic. (Changes to image: filter and text added)
2. Your Throwback Thursdays are almost always backstage pictures.

Luci Correia. Licensed under CC Attribution 2.0 Generic. (Changes to image: filter and border added)
3. You still watch performance DVDs from years past (just not the parts you’re in…)

4. Finding old programs can trigger hours of nostalgia…

5. A week without rehearsal feels strange…

Holly Lay. Licensed under CC Attribution 2.0 Generic.
6. You start thinking about Nutcracker…in July.

7. The last performance of the show gives you that Cinderella-at-midnight feeling…

8. Post-performance blues are real…

Gabriel Saldana. Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic. (Changes to image: filters, border, and text added)
9. When one show’s done, you’re counting down to the next…

10. Because nothing beats performance high…

torbakhopper. Licensed under CC Attribution 2.0 Generic.
Rachel Hellwig is a dance writer/editor/blogger from Birmingham, Alabama. She enjoys taking ballet classes, reading about dance, and attending live performances of ballet and classical music. She blogs at Clara’s Coffee Break. Read Rachel’s posts.