1. Costumes!

2. Stage makeup
Professional Makeup” by Amie Fedora. Licensed under CC By 2.0
3. Indoor snowstorms

4. Entering the theater… through the backstage doors

5. Warming up onstage

6. Dressing room craziness…

7. The day someone brings cupcakes for the cast…

8. Or any little present for that matter

9. Laughing about the things that went wrong in the show…

10. Hanging out in the house….

11. Watching from the wings…

12. Photos, photos, photos. So many opportunities for fun photos…

13. The one-hour countdown before the show…The jitters. The excitement.

14. The indescribable feeling of dancing and acting onstage…

15. Stepping inside a fairy tale…

What do you love about Nutcracker theater week?
Rachel Hellwig is a dance writer/editor/blogger from Birmingham, Alabama. She enjoys taking ballet classes, reading about dance, and attending live performances of ballet and classical music. She blogs at Clara’s Coffee Break. Read Rachel’s posts.