As a college professor I work with college students every day. I see the qualities that successful students have, and I see the qualities that the less successful students lack. I believe that the dance education that my daughters received helped to reinforce many of the important qualities that made them successful in college and will help them succeed in their lives.
Parents, Which Type of Helicopter Are You?
Blogger, Vicki Nelson recently did a three-part series about “Helicopter Parents.” As I read the articles, the dreaded term “stage mom” came to mind. Parents of university-bound students are not the only ones who “hover.”
College Days Ahead? Don’t Miss “College Parent Central”
Its focus is on arming the parents of college students with the tools they need to assist their college student. The information within, though, is just as relevant for students who wish to prepare themselves for what lies ahead.
How to Write an Observation Paper or Critique
A Guide to Writing Performance Reaction Essays – preparing, recording, structuring, and writing your observations and opinions about dance performance.
College Bound – Your Career in Dance
Being a university dance alum myself, it is my desire to help new and future college students with their transition to studying dance in a university setting. I have already posted topics on this subject, however, if you are new to the blog you may not know about them so I thought I’d do a […]