Tap festivals are everywhere and are probably coming to a city near you! These fabulous wood-shedding events allow tap dancers of all ages, levels, and backgrounds to meet together and share in a non-judgmental and nurturing environment. Hoofers are honored at nearly every fest, giving young dancers exposure to the greats – the masters perform and teach in an intimate setting at most events.
News and Events
From Page to Screen to Classroom
In 2004, Houston Dance Critic Molly Glentzer in her review of the book for Dance Magazine stated, “Li’s tenacity is an inspiring lesson to any reader, dancer or not. It’s the stuff of which great movies are made. Expect this one soon, and bring Kleenex. But read the book first.” A handful of years later, Li’s story is now a motion picture. It has already done well in Australia but unfortunately distribution in the U.S. is still speculative.
Dance, Dance Everywhere!
There are a few aspects of televised dance that I find annoying but what I truly love about the success of dance on television is its potential for building awareness of what it is to be a dancer and for expanding the dance audience. I don’t think filmed productions can replace live performance, even the flashy stuff on TV doesn’t come close. It is my hope though that, as its small-screen cousin has done, dance which makes its home in live-performance venues will begin to embrace its inner “hottie” in the coming year.
America’s Best Dance Studio Contest 2010
America’s Best Dance Studio Contest 2010 wants to know what makes your dance studio unique, what makes it different from the other dance studios in your area, and from other dance studios across the country. You will have the opportunity to submit testimonials, videos, and photos highlighting all of the wonderful things about your dance studio – your teachers, your students, the classes you offer, your involvement in charities, non-profit organizations, and even dance competitions! Here’s a chance to rally the community and make some noise in support of your dance studio.
This Dancer’s Response to World AIDS Day
Dancers Responding to AIDS raises these important funds by producing events and conducting audience appeals in New York City and beyond. Special projects include the annual Fire Island Dance Festival, Dance From the Heart and Dance Student Outreach Project (formerly DRA Studio of the Year), which enables thousands of young dancers to actively involve themselves in helping those living with HIV/AIDS.
Sweet Exchange with a Sugar Plum Fairy
Performing at such a young age in a huge theater with professional dancers helped to start my love of performing, as well as making me more comfortable on stage early on in my training. Also, it was after participating in those two summer programs in Houston that I realized I wanted to pursue dance professionally.