My little family of three just returned from our summer vacation. Aside from a short trip to the Big Apple in 2006, my husband and I have not indulged in a true holiday for several years now, instead spending time off visiting with family. Now that we have an infant son, vacations come with additional […]
History of Dance
Classic Confusion
What is classical dance? The most inclusive definition I’ve found is used throughout K-12 educational documents and refers to classical dance as: “Dance that has been developed into highly stylized structures within a culture. Generally developed within the court or circle of power in a society.” Rooted in Europe, ballet would probably be considered the […]
What is Modern Dance?
Each generation of modern dancers seeks new terminology, concepts, and techniques that broaden the definition of dance. This legacy continues in the 21st century, an environment that draws from the techniques of modern dance and the spirit of exploration in postmodern dance.
Teaching and Exploring the History and Evolution of Dance
A student in ballet cannot learn the art in isolation and no one can know what great dancing is without seeing examples of it. Not only can the dancer not be separated from the dance, she also cannot be separated from the history of dancing, from the line of dancers and teachers leading to her. […]