The path from the insular world of college dance to a real career in dance and dancemaking is rarely a straight line. Lauren illustrates this beautifully with a peek into her own journey, while also providing the soon-to-be or recent graduate with some solid (and remarkably clear-cut) advice.
More Than A Prop: Object As Performer
Sarah Dahnke is a New York dancer and choreographer who frequently incorporates props in her work. She shares a spectacular exercise to generate movement and use objects as part of the process as well as details about her latest project, Object as Performer.
Join Us For Circle Time!
We’re inviting bloggers to write about topics both timely and useful. Setting goals is our topic this month. Submit your work or just read them in our roundup but either way, join us for Circle Time to learn, discover, laugh, and enjoy.
VOTE for the Top Dance Blogs of 2011!
Readers, it’s time to choose your favorite dance blogs for 2011! The nominations for Round One have been counted. Now it’s up to you to choose which blogs will come out on top in our Top 20 and in six categories. VOTE NOW and discover new dance blogs in the process! HURRY, the polls close January 4.
For Making Dancers Beneficial To The Public
A recent TEDxBrussels Talk by John Bohannon reminds us of the usefulness of movement to express complex concepts or explore and understand scientific ideas while making a satirical statement about the state of the arts in the United States. Watch and learn more about the presentation and its creators.
Confessions of a 30-year old Grade III Grad: Why Cecchetti?
Fresh from her Grade III Cecchetti teacher’s exam, Lauren Warnecke reflects on why, despite that she’s not actively teaching ballet, she continued to study the Method. Purely editorial, her musings are a peek inside the exam process and tip of the hat to the man behind the Method.