Find out the best way to avoid lower leg and achilles tendon injury, plus learn how to properly stretch the achilles to promote tendon health.
Health, Wellness & The Dancer's Body
How To Devise an Effective Pre-Show Warm-up
There are three methods of warming-up in the exercise world: Passive, General, and Specific. Lauren reminds us that dancers often utilize all three before a performance but could often do so more effectively. Here’s how.
Dance Instructors and Injury Management: Leave it to the Pros
Diagnosis of injury is for health professionals. When your student is hurt, Lauren teaches you how to offer recommendations instead of giving medical advice and help your student through the injury process.
10 Healthy Snacks for the Busy Dancer
A dancer can’t get much busier than during Spring performance time. Health and nutrition coach, Kathi Martuza shares a few of her favorite healthy and portable snacks. Easy to prep and delicious too!
Sprains, Strains, and How To Deal…(Meet Your Feet, Part 3)
The difference between a strain and a sprain; a ligament and a tendon. Take a closer look at injuries and how to cope throughout the recovery process.
Have a Dance-Less Summer and Dance Better
Skip the summer intensives? Even though i goes against the grain, a dance-less summer is what The Dance Training Project’s, Monika, encourages for dancers who wish to gain full body strength, prevent injuries, and improve dance technique.