Are you using visual aids like graphs and charts to reinforce concepts in your dance classes? After all, dancers are often visual learners. Here are five traditional academic aids which can be put to good use in the studio.
Help Preschool Dancers Move Safely In The Studio
Spots and tape lines help young dancers keep their spacing but teaching preschoolers how to move around safely in a dance class takes demonstration and practice. Maria gives seven creative ways to teach the concepts of space and spatial awareness to little movers.
How I Help Students Pick Up Combinations Faster
Educator, David Alonzo Jones offers this tip to end the frustration and help you or your students pick up and remember combinations and routines more effectively. He’s been using this simple tool for over ten years and it works!
Blurred Lines: New Trends in Dance Training
It’s harder than ever to classify dance performance neatly into genres. As a result, our training methods deserve a new approach. Here is how educator, Heather Vaughan-Southard is rethinking tradition and empowering her students.
Do You Survey Your Students at the Start?
Socrates believes that asking the right questions is essential to learning and teaching. Do you ask your dance students about their expectations, goals, and interests?
6 Tips for Teaching and Reaching the Men in Your Class
When men are new or even resistant to dance, their teachers must find ways to reach and relate to them. It isn’t always easy but these 6 tips by one of Chicago’s top teachers, Szewai Lee, are sure to be helpful.