Not all dancers become professionals. However, the arts produce creative thinkers, able to connect pathways that standard students may not initially consider and dancers tend to be successful in many other aspects of education and life. So, starting as early as Kindergarten, dance can be used as a gateway to discuss college with students. Here’s how one educator begins the conversation at different ages and includes families in the dialogue.
11 Ways To Create A Positive Atmosphere In Your Dance Classes
Words of encouragement and a positive atmosphere helps students think more positively about themselves. Our guest writer offers some suggestions to help instructors foster a healthy self-esteem in their students. Plus there’s lots more related reading linked in the text so that you can start your new dance season on a positive note.
How To Help Your Students Conquer First Day Jitters
Everyone is nervous on the first day of a new class but it can be especially hard for young dancers. This article is packed with great tips for teachers as Stacey Pepper Schwartz shares her methods for easing the anxieties of the children in her classes as well as how she addresses a crying, timid, or non-participating child.
Put Your Routines “In the Pocket”
Dance teachers, have you ever had a great piece of music, but for some reason, your dancers’ timing just always seemed to be a little off? Armed with an iPod Touch or an iPhone, and an application (app) that costs less than $5, you can dial in the perfect tempo, matching your routines to your dancers’ ideal pacing.
Smooth Start: Letting Dancers Know What To Expect
It may seem too simple but introducing class procedure is a step critical in most any class environment. It unifies the group and builds a bridge in communication between you and your students. K-12 dance educator, Heather Vaughan-Southard, outlines her Day 1 process so that you, too can set your students up for success.