If I had a studio space to call my own I would have a lot of fun decorating it. Big empty walls and mirrors, windows and doors at my disposal. I would be in dance studio heaven. Since I don’t have my own walls, my refrigerator is decorated with splashes of color and drawings of […]
5 Ideas That Will Make You Feel Like Less Of A Teaching Robot
Dance teachers teach a lot of classes to earn a living. Repetition makes it easier to organize but harder to keep things fresh. Maria has adapted these 5 ideas to stop feeling like a robot in her preschool dance classes. Try them for yourself to beat burnout and enjoy your classes again.
Adult Ballet’s Dark Side
Every class has one… or two. That student that gets on your nerves or ruffles your feathers. Teachers of adult dancers are no exception and when certain students cause stress or strain in the classroom environment, a teacher just needs to vent a little. If you are a teacher, you will recognize some of the “personalities” our anonymous author presents. If you are a student, well, we hope you don’t resemble these students.
The Ballet Concept That Tap Teachers Should Steal
Ballet training produces results, and Tristan thinks it’s time that tap dancers learn a little something from ballet class, consistently encouraging the 4 basics of tap technique, covered in detail within the article.
Leading Adults Through Toddler Dance Class: Part 2
When young dancers are accompanied by an adult for class it’s not enough to just keep the child engaged. A dance teacher has the added challenge of keeping the grown-up active in their participation. In part two of this series on Grown-up and Me classes, Maria provides tips for keeping the adults happy, too.
Tips for Teaching Toddlers Accompanied By Adults: Part 1
Parent and child. Mommy and Me. Whatever you call the class, teaching tiny dancers comes with a unique set of challenges. Maria to the rescue! She’s been teaching this group for 5 years and has some fantastic tips to share.