Forget the costumes, backstage, and the tickets. Maria gives a formula for showcasing young dancers and building a community that can get excited about dance.
Hitting the Books: Two Valuable Reads from Oxford University Press
Every so often, I meet a student who seems older than their years with interests far more sophisticated than those of their peers. Despite their young age- middle school, high school, early college- their understanding of the world and their desire to see the big pictures leaves an impression and sets a tone. For these […]
FAQ: Why Don’t You Play Music With Lyrics?
Without a doubt, one of my most commonly asked questions by students of all ages is, “why don’t you play music with lyrics?” It isn’t that I refuse to play music with lyrics but for so many reasons, I find music without lyrics better supports my teaching philosophy, my mission, and my lesson plans. Here’s […]
Tap Is Music (And I Can Prove It) Part 1
Tap dance is two things: sound and movement. Here we focus on the sound of tap dance. Tap dance is tied more closely to music than most of us realize.
Engaging Preschoolers with Puppets
Puppets are a wonderful way to add depth to a dance and back you up when you need help. Discover the benefits of adding puppets into the preschool dance room.
Outside the Bubble: Encouraging Students to Develop Their Own Dance Community
Nowadays, social media is a way of life and a way of interacting in a community. Online communities provide a sense of identity, belonging, and opportunities that don’t exist in traditional communities the way they once did. Personally speaking, I find it easier to find like-minded colleagues online than in my own neighborhood. Here, I […]