Merely wanting something desperately doesn’t make it so. So, a young ballerina remakes her life… in Antarctica.
Review: Music For Movement and Imaginations Volume Two by Richard Maddock
Richard Maddock’s second album with piano music to accompany your dance classes for children is just as beautiful, useful and expressive as his first.
Strange Sounds Dancers’ Bodies Make
Click, crack, pop! This post is a laugh but has many helpful links about body health and wellness for dancers.
Can A Woman In Her Forties Dance The Nutcracker?
“Raising The Barre” is Lauren Kessler’s account of the months she spent preparing to dance The Nutcracker with a professional dance company. An exceptional challenge for a forty-something, non-dancer! Read our review of the book.
Ballet Takes A Thrilling Leap In The Suspense Novel “Dark Turns”
Dancers and thriller fans will appreciate the twists in “Dark Turns,” a new novel by Cate Holahan, whose research on ballet went inside the dance studio.
How to Create a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
Creating crowdsourced campaigns for dance project funding is easy, but simply posting a project online and waiting for the donations to roll in is not enough. Find out what works.