A while back I did a post entitled Encouraging Boys to Dance. It had a good response and I was even asked to submit an edited version for the PTA (National Parent Teacher Association) website. It is my firm belief that boys should be encouraged to dance by dance teachers and parents in particular. After […]
Dance Media
Blog Action Day: ASTEP Toward Ending Poverty
Today is Blog Action Day, “an annual nonprofit event that aims to unite the world’s bloggers, podcasters and videocasters, to post about the same issue on the same day.” This year’s aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion about poverty. I was particularly excited about this topic because it is one that […]
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Turnout – How to Nurture Your Turnout
Too much tension in the musculature around the hip joint is often responsible for limiting the degree of turnout. Therefore, releasing that tension is key if you’d like to improve outward (and inward) rotation. Tight inward rotators inhibit outward rotation and visa versa. Dancers have varying methods which they use to accomplish release in the hips. Some use passive and lengthening stretches and others utilize props like balls to facilitate an opening within the joint.
I Squidoo, Do You?
The word sounds a little crazy but Squidoo is actually a website where anyone can write and create a page (or lens as they call it at Squidoo) about anything… and I do mean anything. Squidoo is not the only website out there (Hubpages is another). What I like about Squidoo, though, is that advertising […]
Dancing with the Stars (Not Those Stars)
Celebrities get their fair share of exposure so, no, this is not another post on reality tv’s hit show. Instead, I wanted to highlight one woman’s realized dream to create dance in zero-gravity.
Dancer Universe Polls
I am really enjoying a site called Dancer Universe and have been posting some of my Dance Advantage articles at the site. One of the features I enjoy there is that I can easily attach polls to my posts. I would love for you to visit the site and check out the polls I’ve posted […]