The painter Degas seemed to enjoy capturing the natural asymmetry of dancers in training. He preserved the everyday moments of dancers between barre exercises, waiting or tying their ribbons, or shared with viewers the skewed perspective of performance from the wings.
Dance Media
Sunday Snapshot: The Eiffel Tower
Hannah’s “The Eiffel Tower,” a lovely arabesque penchée silhouetted against a beachscape, is a welcome sight as I sit at my computer on a winter’s day in the U.S. Even here in Houston it’s been chilly so I figured many of you might also appreciate the warming thought of dancing on the beach with sand squishing through your toes!
Sunday Snapshot: Chalk Dust Dancer
A new feature for 2010! Each Sunday I will highlight a dance photograph selected from the Dance Advantage Sunday Snapshot pool on the photo-sharing site Flickr. This week is Chalk Dust by Rene Michaels. Find out more about this weekly feature and how to enter your own photographs in the pool!
America’s Best Dance Studio Contest 2010
America’s Best Dance Studio Contest 2010 wants to know what makes your dance studio unique, what makes it different from the other dance studios in your area, and from other dance studios across the country. You will have the opportunity to submit testimonials, videos, and photos highlighting all of the wonderful things about your dance studio – your teachers, your students, the classes you offer, your involvement in charities, non-profit organizations, and even dance competitions! Here’s a chance to rally the community and make some noise in support of your dance studio.
This Dancer’s Response to World AIDS Day
Dancers Responding to AIDS raises these important funds by producing events and conducting audience appeals in New York City and beyond. Special projects include the annual Fire Island Dance Festival, Dance From the Heart and Dance Student Outreach Project (formerly DRA Studio of the Year), which enables thousands of young dancers to actively involve themselves in helping those living with HIV/AIDS.
Streamlining Competition Registration with
So, with a sneaking suspicion that you might be interested in something that could help streamline the process, and because I see a lot of potential in this this newly developed site, I chatted recently with Bret Robertson. His design company, Honu Studios, is responsible for bringing DanceSignUp to life.