Every once in a while, Nichelle is on the other side of the questions, as in this recent interview with Nicole LaBlonde. Also featured are two previous interviews, one on blogging the other on beauty. Also see what Nichelle did last weekend!
Dance Media
How to Snap and Be Shot: An Interview with Dance Photographer, Jim Markland
Dance photographer, Jim Markland on how, at 60, he became interested in photography, capturing dance, and his learning experience with Lois Greenfield; his advice on the camera features required to capture dancers in action both onstage and off; and how dancers can prepare for a great studio shoot.
Sunday Snapshot: Juliet and her Romeo
How sports photographer, Michael Seaman, fell in love with capturing ballet. Featured photo: Dress rehearsal of Boston Ballet’s Romeo and Juliet. Larissa Ponomarenko and Nelson Madrigal, Feb 2008.
A Beautiful Tragedy: Film Review
A striking animation opens David Kinsella’s 2007 film, A Beautiful Tragedy. “Once upon a time,” it begins, “there lived a woman. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina but her dreams never came true… and then she gave birth to a little girl, and decided that the babe would become a ballet dancer.”
Sunday Snapshot: Out There
Photograph of Out There danced and choreographed by Sun-A Lee. Captured at Esplanade Theatre Studio on 27th August 2010 by Matthew G. Johnson, a photographer based in Singapore.
Will Your Site Be A Top Dance Blog of 2010?
Engage your readers and find out why they love you. This is valuable to blog owners no matter your readership or chances to be a Top Dance Blog. Even if you don’t qualify for the top ten or twenty, you’ll enter 2011 with encouragement to keep blogging!