Jenn Romano works with high school dance students and in two after school dance programs for at risk youth. Jenn’s Top Three comes directly from her work, teaching dance composition in New Mexico high schools. She uses these “games” to practice improvisational skills as well develop student-generated choreography in her classes.
Dance Choreography
Choosing And Editing The Right Song For Your Dancers
Dance Teacher, Choreographer, and Music Editor Jason Marquette shares how to choose the right song for your choreography and offers in-depth tips on editing music with readily available software.
Choreographing Performances For Unconventional Spaces
Getting your dancers out into the community: It can be a great opportunity to highlight your program or company. It can also present challenges. Choreography tips for keeping things simple in unique situations. Plus, a look at site-specific and flash mob dances.
Set Your iPod to Shuffle
Creative uses of digital music devises in dance experiences and performances which can be used as a starting point for your own ideas.
Strategies for Remembering Choreography
One of the common struggles students face in class is recalling the sequence of choreography. Here are just a few techniques you might try the next time your teacher gives a combination.
Approaching Choreography for Musical Theatre
When approaching choreography for musical theatre, it is important that the strategy differs from that of a recital dance production. I’d like to offer an approach to this particular creative process by looking at the various components of choreography for the stage and suggesting tips for effective preparation and collaboration.