A dancer’s most important tool is a winning mindset. Here’s how to develop a positive mental attitude so that you’re at your best every time.
Dance Articles
Teaching Students to Use Breath to Enhance their Dancing
Young dancers need help learning how to connect breath to movement. Here are 4 ways dance teachers can encourage this development in dance class.
Ballet Takes A Thrilling Leap In The Suspense Novel “Dark Turns”
Dancers and thriller fans will appreciate the twists in “Dark Turns,” a new novel by Cate Holahan, whose research on ballet went inside the dance studio.
Foam Rollers: Flawed Fad or Functionally Fundamental?
Seems every dancer’s doing it but what is the purpose and value in using a foam roller? And, should you be doing it too? Here’s the 411 on fascia and foam rolling.
Tips To Improve Your Split Leaps
What better day to work on improving your “split leaps” than Leap Day? Here are 10 tips to help dancers soar every day of the year.
10 Things To Do Before You Even Think About Selling Your Studio
Your dance studio isn’t “just a business” but if you’re even thinking about selling, you have to be prepared to look at it as one. Here’s what you’ll need for a quicker, easier sale.