Ballet has a reputation for causing eating disorders. Cloud & Victory founder, Min, tells how ballet helped her recover from one. #whydancematters
Contemporary Dance Technique: The Spinal Roll-Down
Though it’s a fundamental part of most contemporary dance warm-ups, the basic roll-down of the spine doesn’t get a ton of attention in the how-to department. We address the common mistakes dancers make and how to fix them.
Farewell, Dance Advantage
With a heavy heart but an eye on the future, Nichelle says goodbye to DA and its readers…. No, not really. April Fools! We’re actually celebrating year 6 of this blogging adventure with a question for you, dear readers!
7 Reasons You Are Lucky to Be a Dancer
Today’s your lucky day! Sharing a little pot of gold with you this St. Patrick’s Day – 7 awesome benefits of being a dancer. We’d be over the rainbow, if you would read, share, and comment.
The Royal Ballet’s Beauty, Sarah Lamb
The Royal Ballet’s Sarah Lamb and Steven McRae will dance Princess Aurora and Prince Désiré in The Sleeping Beauty, in movie theaters nationwide March 20. Sarah Lamb talks with us about versatility, past injury, and the challenges of Act I.
More Classical Ballet on the Big Screen
London’s premiere ballet company, The Royal Ballet, appears again in select U.S. movie theaters for one-night-only events. See Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty in your local cinema in February and March.