Clearly this mom hadn’t ‘received’ the communication about recital tickets that we had been sending for two months leading up to the date. At the studio we had given verbal announcements, posted signs, printed memos and order forms were sent home, all of this, including when and where to pick up tickets, was posted on our website.
Leveraging Your Dance Studio’s Identity To Grow Your Business
Evaluate your current venues for getting the word out about your studio, your students, and the joy of dance. A personal testimonial or recommendation is priceless. People speaking highly of you, your staff, and your programs has power no tangible method of advertising could ever produce.
Problems With Parents At Your Studio?
When a parent doesn’t have a clear path to direct a concern, they will go and find just about anyone that will listen to them. From the first moment a student registers at our dance studio we let them know that we are more than open to receiving their feedback and we show them where we keep
S.T.E.P. Your Way To Social Media Success
Social media is about making connections. One of the things we do with our dance studio fan page is to post about local theatre productions and community events. Why? Because we know that the hours of dance lessons that our young dancers have has a potential impact on local theater. We want to spread goodwill to our sister arts organizations. See yourself as part of the thread woven between your arts community.
Confessions of a Busy Dance Mom
I’m probably a great example of some of the moms at your studio I suppose, who can barely find the time to get the lunches packed and get to school on time. Let alone read the many papers and emails and notices that come home on a regular basis. Here’s just a few reasons why: