by Catherine L. Tully of
Nichelle and I wanted to share some fun dance-themed items we covet for the holiday season in hopes that we might be able to give you ideas (and maybe score one or two ourselves in the process from friends or family!).
It’s always hard to think of specific things when people ask what I’d like for a gift, but I thought seriously about it and do have a few items that are on my list. Here’s the breakdown:
Happy Feet
There has never been a better sock—at least in my opinion, and the pink Thorlo Distance Walking Socks are like walking on little cushions. Your feet will love the thick padding and comfy fit. Plus, $1 of each purchase is donated to cancer research. How can you go wrong?
I’ve been a fan of these socks for years, and even though they tend to be a little on the pricey side, they really pamper my feet, so I do indulge from time-to time. They have a wide selection for both men and women.
Ballet Treats
The Ballerina Cookbook has some fun recipes in it that feature dance themes. How about some Meringue Tutus, Sugar Plum Fairy Pops or a Spanish Dancers’ White Hot Chocolate? Why not indeed!
From the looks of this book, it seems as though it could be a great resource for those who want to do some simple cooking/baking with a young dancer too. An added bonus for those with little ballerinas at home.
Soothing Scents
How about a massage oil that also offers aromatherapy? This one is spearmint/eucalyptus scented, which is refreshing and uplifting—as well as good for massaging sore, tired feet.
I have used this particular oil before, so I know that it smells wonderful. You can also add it to the bathtub for a relaxing soak, or just rub over dry hands for a quick pick-me-up. It’s yummy.
Classy Nails
Although typically I prefer a good red or cool black shade, this pretty pink nail polish by Essie did manage to catch my eye. Called, “Ballet Slippers” it looks quite classic and not too “girly”.
An Uplifting Read
I’m on the Advisory Board for The Andréa Rizzo Foundation, and the President just released an inspirational book that would make a great holiday gift. It tells a story of the practical lessons she has learned about surviving loss, which has also brought to light the power of dance to heal.
Dréa’s Dream: An Unfinished Dance is something I can’t wait to read. I’ve been honored to help promote their dance therapy work and touched by the story of how it all came to be. This book is one of hope—and the everlasting bond between mother and child.
And Don’t Miss…
If you love dance—you’ll love this! Photographer Jordan Matter has released an amazing book of dance photos which has skyrocketed in sales since its release. Dancers Among Us looks at dance in an unexpected way that is both fascinating and fun. I’ve been loving my copy and am looking forward to his next book already. Makes a great gift for anyone really—it’s that cool!
Curious to see what Nichelle’s wish list has on it? Visit 4dancers to read her post!
What’s on your holiday wish list this year?

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